Fashion/ personal style blogging has become a new Vogue, a platform to try and get people to buy more, spend more, want more ... and some times it also sets unrealistic standards for women. Of course not every style blog can be categorized in the same way but it is definitely getting harder to differentiate one blog from another.
When I started this blog my biggest goal and vision was to show how many combinations can be created with just some basic stuff in the closet, and that one can be well and sensibly dressed without spending loads of time or money on it. A lot of people suggested that I should add a variety of locations and better my picture quality... sorry I can't! I do not want to spend more than two minutes to take pictures because as I said it is not worth spending too much time on clothes :-).
I never get ready just for the heck of taking pictures, I take pictures sometimes when I get ready for office or wherever the heck I am going. Most fashion blogs show women wearing these really fancy clothes, makeup, jewelry, hairdos and wearing the new items in every post, I can't do that, or for that matter, I haven't seen any women around me dress like how they do in fashion blogs. It is simply unrealistic. I want to share only doable styles.
On this blog, you will never find one new item introduced with every post. It is just the same stuff repeating over and over again in many ways possible. Shopping was never my hobby and it never will be, if anything shopping stresses me out. I do not want to encourage mindless consumption with this blog. But I want to encourage feeling excited about even the basic clothes and colors that you have in your closet.
I do think that fashion blogging is already past its peak because every unique idea gets beaten down until it becomes mainstream. There are only so many ways in which clothes can be worn, and someone somewhere has probably already done that, so obviously I am not guaranteeing that what you see here is going to be unique because nothing is unique. You might be wearing a very similar combo as the person sitting next to you but the only differentiating factor would be your personality and the confidence with which you carry yourself.
A lot of brilliant and amazing personalities I have met have had sloppy style sense and I have also met some prim and properly dressed people who were not so nice people, so there is no association between clothes and personalities and no one is forming a judgment about you based on your clothes, the ones who do are idiots so never mind about them. On a day to day basis I hardly ever notice what others are wearing so if you ask me what were your team members wearing today then really I don't know, I wouldn't be able to tell if they wore the same thing for the whole week. I am sure most people don't notice it and what you wear is only to make yourself feel good.
All I can say is wear what you want to wear, it doesn't matter, but again wear what 'you' want to wear, like how 'you' want to see yourself and not based on someone else's idea of styling.
Look for ideas on these kinds of blogs, see how you can apply them to your existing closet and you are good to go. If you plan to get clothes and wear them how the fashion bloggers are, then you are probably going to get lost in the big bad world of mindless consumption, or at least that is what I think.

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