Sunday, February 20, 2022

Thought of the day

 They both thought they were right... and that's where they went wrong. 

"If you love something then let it go, and if it comes back then that's how you know..." ---- 

Ever heard that song? ----- No don't do that. Do not let it go. If you love something or someone then show them, nurture it, nourish it, invest in it - your time, energy, attention, heart, mind, effort. That is what love is. If we love something we should not set it free, we need to put in the work, show them that we care, show them that we want them in our life, don't let them go by putting in zero effort, give it your all - be it friendships, relationships or our career, goals, passions. if we love something - we need to give it our everything. 

Too many times we take out the worst of us on those who do the most for us and deserve the best of us. 

Focus on what is. Rather than what if. 

Past can not be re-lived, it can only be relieved. 

What we watch, listen, eat, read, talk about - influences our state of mind. If we watch idiocy, listen to crap, eat junk, and talk nonsense about people then we can not expect calm and peace in our mind, in our body. We can not input poison and expect peace as an outcome. 

When we meet someone I think it is important to remember that we are just a tiny moment in that person's entire journey. We should not judge them based on that tiny moment and take it as a representation of their entire existence. Maybe they had a bad day, maybe they are struggling with health and whatnot. Just cut some slack. We will meet different people at different points in their life and have a completely different experience. 

I feel we should do our thing - not for admiration, attention, or validation, but because it fuels us, nourishes us, and makes us happy.  When we are busy doing things that we love there is no space for others' thoughts, opinions.


We should not worry about what others are thinking, what they are talking about, who are they talking to - about us, we need to worry about what we think about ourselves, what we are saying to ourselves, worry about what we are doing in our life, because they are just renting space in our mind for a little period of time, they will come, they will go, but we are in our mind 24/7, so what we think about ourselves is far more important than what others do. 

It is best to accept ourselves for who we are but be aware of the changes that we need to make to grow and improve. We just need to look in the mirror, focus on our own faults and growth rather than finding faults in others to feel better about ourselves. 

We do not need to be anyone else, We are enough, We do not need to like what others like, look how they look, dress how they dress or work as they do. We should not desire what others have, every single thing that we need to be content - lies within us. 

Let go or get dragged - I know that we all know so many things that no longer serve any purpose in our lives, that no longer have meaning, or enhances/ uplifts us - but we find it hard to let go of them because they become part of us. but if we don't let go of it, it will keep dragging us into a negative place that we don't want to be at - whether it is a relationship, friendship, a grudge, place, thing, whatever it is we need to know when it is time to let go of it. 

We recognize our strengths and weaknesses based on if it is bringing us results, money, fame, success and whatnot. Why can't we just do something for the love of it... without being attached to the expectation of any result. Something that just gives us pure joy. 

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