Monday, August 21, 2017

Less is more

I got a comment on this blog a while ago, it said ‘I have way too many clothes in my closet, half of my clothes still have tags on them, if I remove the tags and decide to use everything then I will be wearing something different every day for at least a year, without worrying about mix and match like you do.’

I wouldn’t know how this kind of closet looks. For me ‘Less Is More’ - not just in shoes and clothing but also in personal items, be it groceries, home goods or what’s in the fridge. I like to know what lies in every drawer every corner of the room and if it is not useful to have it around I donate it... It is harder than it sounds - We live in the world of consumerism, there is a constant temptation to change, upgrade, add more or buy options, we go on acquiring ‘stuff’ for no apparent reason.

Why invest in owning so much stuff? Try minimalism, stop hoarding. When it comes to dressing one can still be well dressed without really owning too much quantity… One can still wear a new outfit every day with just a little bit of creativity and planning...

My reply to the comment from the girl is - spend that money instead on upgrading yourself - join a gym, dance class, kickboxing, yoga class, learn to play an instrument or buy books and read!

Skirt: Ann Taylor Factory

Top: Old Navy

Shoes: Steve Madden

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