A materialist concentrates on accumulating things and a minimalist thinks of how to get rid of things, ultimately both are focusing thoughts on stuff. We accumulate stuff and then think of ways to purge it out of life (this is the First World Phenomena).
Owning more than what we need is consumerism, I think we all are consumerists in that sense. All I can say is don’t have a lifestyle of mindless consumerism, don’t be an impulsive consumer be a mindful one. The more realistic thing to do is donate things that you don’t use than giving away things in the name of minimalism. Know what is in your drawers, cupboards, fridge, and corners. Donate anything that is not used for a few years. Ultimately have things that you utilize and utilize what you already have!
Denim Skirt: Banana Republic
Shirt: J crew
Sweater: Tjmaxx
Tights: Hue
Shoes: Vaneli