Saturday, July 27, 2019

The world of blogging

I have been writing a diary ever since I remember, even before the blogging world. It was simply my way of venting out my thoughts (and opinions). One day in 2006 I started blogging. This was my first post. I didn't have any expectations or any agenda from this activity. 

Then sometime in 2015 I started clicking pictures of my outfits every now and then and posted them on a new blog that I named as lifestyleandallthatjazz - basically about life, style, lifestyle, and everything under the Sun. 

When it comes to blogging I want to stay away from the herd mentality of gaining followers or having numerous comments and whatnot. Every blog has an aim and reason for its existence. Mine just happens to be for personal satisfaction & personal expression. 

The idea of this blog is to show some creativity with clothes and again to express myself. Be myself. Be honest and voice my opinions. Yes, I am an opinionated person, just like every other person I have an opinion on books, movies, art, god, religion, war, pollution, population, diet, exercise, equality, and everything. While doing that I may have made a connection with a few, or offended a few. Who knows? I am just following my own rhythm. I appreciate you all coming out here and being part of maniacal world of my opinions but don't forget that everything I write here is only an opinion about stuff be it Food, Fitness, Films, Fashion, Family, Friends or F-ilosophy! and I do not expect you to agree with anything that I express. 

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Book Reviews. 2017. 3

Reviewing books that I read in 2017:

11. Big Little Lies - Liane Moriarty 

I did not like the book but absolutely loved the show on HBO, which would be an ideal example of how to adapt books for TV shows. 3/5.

12. My not so perfect life - Sophie Kinsella

I read all her books, does not mean I like all of them :-). 2/5.

13. Space Chronicles: Facing the ultimate frontier - Neil deGrasse Tyson

Tyson illuminates the past, present, and future of space exploration and brilliantly reminds us why NASA matters now as much as ever. I loved the book. 5/5.

14. My Man Jeeves - P.G. Wodehouse

My father has read all of Wodehouse books. And I want to. I am short of words to express what a legendary writer he is. Wodehouse is my favorite author when it comes to wordplay. His writing has a very natural flow, and even though the stories are set in the British context, you feel very close to his characters. The only other author who made me laugh so hard was P. L. Deshpande. Wodehouse's stories are charmingly simple and yet delightfully funny. 5/5.

15. All the missing girls - Megan Miranda

A very well rated book on Goodreads, but I failed to understand all that hoopla around it. 2/5.

Saturday, July 13, 2019


Freedom is not the absence of commitments, but the ability to choose - and commit myself to - what is best for me.”

-Paulo Coelho.

Saturday, July 6, 2019

Push Over

Be kind and polite but never a pushover. Stand up for yourself! 

Jeans: American Eagle, Sandals: Etienne Aigner, Top: Don't remember, 15 years old from India