Thursday, March 31, 2016

Reduce, Recycle and Reuse

A materialist concentrates on accumulating things and a minimalist thinks of how to get rid of things, ultimately both are focusing thoughts on stuff. We accumulate stuff and then think of ways to purge it out of life (this is the First World Phenomena).
Owning more than what we need is consumerism, I think we all are consumerists in that sense. All I can say is don’t have a lifestyle of mindless consumerism, don’t be an impulsive consumer be a mindful one. The more realistic thing to do is donate things that you don’t use than giving away things in the name of minimalism. Know what is in your drawers, cupboards, fridge, and corners. Donate anything that is not used for a few years. Ultimately have things that you utilize and utilize what you already have!

Denim Skirt: Banana Republic

Shirt: J crew

Sweater: Tjmaxx

Tights: Hue

Shoes: Vaneli 

Friday, March 25, 2016

Few Things

I really do not like to shop much but I also get bored with the same set of clothes very quickly and so I try to wear different combinations. Mix and match turn out to be fun and I end up not shopping at all for long-duration - the longest I have lived without shopping anything for my closet is 3 years. I buy just a few items every year from good brands (that lasts long) rather than buying 20 from unknown brands and I always keep a set of basic clothes that goes well with everything in the closet. If you are like me who doesn't like to shop a lot yet wants to be well dressed then this blog is for you.
Photo After:

Black Turtleneck: Banana Republic

Dress: Promod India

Tights: Hue

Shoes: Joan and David

Monday, March 21, 2016

Using Timer

A lot of personal style bloggers get help from their friends/family to take pictures for their blog. Any professionally taken/edited pictures make the outfits look better than they actually are. I never use any outside help for taking my pics, I use a timer.

When I started taking pictures for this blog it took me some time to figure out the lighting/camera angle/ setting etc. - lack of sunlight in Seattle makes it a little challenging. Once I figured out the basic things now it takes me 5 minutes top to take pictures. The only thing I need to make sure is when the timer goes off I am standing still, otherwise, the picture is all blur and at times it does catch me when I am adjusting my hair or something (as in pic 2).

In case you are interested Here is a good 101 that I liked on using a timer for style blogs.
Silk Blouse: J crew

Sweater: J crew factory

Denim: Banana Republic

Shoes: Nine West

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Thursday, March 10, 2016


Numerous animals are killed to satisfy taste buds of humans, providing for our fashion statements should be the last thing animals are killed for. I understand that for many of us branded handbags/shoes/belts (like Louis Vuitton, Prada, Gucci, Coach) are a status-style-andWhatNot symbol but still check out this video to gain some insight on where leather comes from -

I try my best to buy non leather products, companies have to specify on the label if it is manmade polyester or real leather. Quality-wise manmade polyester products are as good as real leather. Most of the products that you see on this blog are vegan/faux leather. I admit to buying leather products at a time when I was ignorant about how the leather industry works. And yes, I am guilty of owning those fancy handbags, those will never make it to this blog. If you see any leather products - brands on this blog then they were bought a long time back and I am in no way promoting the use of leather. 
 I am not asking you to give up what you already have but I urge all the readers of this blog to minimize buying leather products. Again, please check out the video and make an informed decision.

Black turtleneck: Banana Republic
Vegan leather jacket: Blank NYC
Red Pant: American Eagle
Black Shoes: Vaneli (manmade)

Monday, March 7, 2016